

bird and foliageTrue North Insight (TNI) is a non-profit, charitable organization presently organizing, promoting and managing insight meditation retreats in English and French. Insight meditation practices were taught 2600 years ago by the Buddha as the way to liberation from suffering. They are dedicated to cultivating awareness, kindness and compassion, bringing more mindfulness and calm into our daily life. This simple and profound awareness practice is at the heart of many spiritual paths.

Pascal AuclairTNI's vision is to make these teachings accessible to all. By offering insight meditation retreats, TNI provides a space of refuge for people to enter into focused and supported meditation. Out of this practice arise clarity, inner peace and gratitude for healing and transformation in the midst of the ongoing challenges in our personal and community lives. TNI is guided in all endeavors by the ethics of non-harming, the spirit of loving friendship and compassion, the wisdom of insight, and the truth of liberation.


"It is in the sanctuary of silent places, with mindful attention, that the liberation of the heart can be gained."

The Buddha