Terms and Conditions

All retreats require at least the deposit upon registering. All participants are expected to stay for the length of the retreat, which includes arriving on time and staying until the end of the retreat. The full course fee will be charged, even if it is necessary to leave the retreat early.

Sliding Scale: TNI is dedicated to offering affordable rates to all. We offer a sliding scale with low, mid and high rates that allow retreatants to pay according to their means. Paying at the low rate covers the minimum expense of holding a retreat. The high rate helps ensure TNI’s viability as an organization. The deposit is included in all of our fees.

Dana (Donations): Fees cover the cost of room and board. Following an ancient Buddhist tradition, the teachings are freely offered. Donations to the teachers are invited at the end of the retreat.

Late Registration Fee: For registrations less than 14 days before the start of a retreat, add $30 to the sliding scale fee you are paying.

Cancellation Fees: Please contact us as soon as possible if you need to cancel.  Cancellations after 11 am on opening day of the retreat may prevent those on the wait list from attending.  

  •     If you cancel 4 or more weeks before a retreat begins, your deposit is refunded, less a $50 fee. 
  •     If you cancel less than 4 weeks before a retreat begins, your deposit is not refunded. 
  •     All cancellation fees are added to our scholarship fund.

Assumption of Risk and Release.

Please read carefully.

I assume all risk of damage or injury that may occur to me while practicing meditation at the True North Insight meditation retreat and while moving about the facility at which the retreat is held. In consideration of being accepted as a retreatant for this meditation retreat, I release and discharge True North Insight, and its agents, from all claims resulting from my participation in the meditation retreat.

I have read and understand this assumption of risk and release.

Equity/Inclusion Resources



Beyond 94: Truth and Reconciliation in Canada: an interactive tool developed by the CBC to track broad progress by the government regarding the 94 recommendations from the TRC report.

Indigenous Writes: A Guide to First Nations, Métis & Inuit Issues in Canada: initiates conversations about the relationship between Indigenous peoples and Canada, by Chelsea Vowel

21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act, by Bob Joseph

Peace and Good Order: The Case for Indigenous Justice in Canada, by Harold Johnson

Black Water: Family, Legacy, and Blood Memory, by David Robertson

Clearing the Plains: Disease, Politics of Starvation, and the Loss of Indigenous Life, by James Daschuk

Indigenous Canada, a free online course offered by the University of Alberta

Doctrine of Discovery: Stolen Lands, Strong Heartsa film that responds to the TRC calls to action by helping to provide education and insight into the racist foundations of many of our property and other laws.


The Skin We're In: A Year of Black Resistance and Power, by Desmond Cole

Policing Black Lives: State Violence in Canada From Slavery to the Present, by Robyn Maynard

Deep Diversity: Overcoming Us Vs. Them - an open, honest, and plainspoken view of diversity issues, by Shakil Choudhury

They Call Me George: The Untold Story of Black Train Porters and the Birth of Modern Canada, Cecil Foster

Disorientation: Being Black in the World, Ian Williams

Welcome to Black Canada, a Resource

Privilege in Canada

White Fragility, by Robin DiAngelo

White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, by Peggy McIntosh

Colour Code: A Podcast About Race in Canada

Waking Up White, by Debbie Irving


Healing the Broken Body of the Sangha 

Understanding Our New Racial Reality Starts with the Unconscious 

Resources for Asians Exploring White Supremacy 

We've Been Here All Along - Funie Hsu 

Lineage of Resistance – Funie Hsu 

We're Not Who You Think We Are - Chenxing Han  

The Road to Diversity - Lion's Roar Staff  

No One Like Me - Lama Rod Owens 

Buddhism & Diversity: Profiles, Teachings, and Conversations 

The Atlantic Slave Trade in Two Minutes, animated interactive

The Urgency of Intersectionality, TED talk by Kimberlé Crenshaw


How to Be an Antiracist, Ibram X. Kendi

Stamped from the Beginning, Ibram X. Kendi

My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies, by Resmaa Menakem

Mindful of Race, Ruth King

The Way of Tenderness, Zenju Earthlyn Manuel

Radical Dharma, angel kyodo williams and Lama Rod Owens

Love and Rage: The Path of Liberation Through Anger, Lama Rod Owens

Policing Black Lives, Robyn Maynard

Awakening Together, Larry Yang

The Inner Work of Racial Justice, Rhonda V. Magee

Be the Refuge: Raising the Voices of Asian-American Buddhists, Chenxing Han

You Belong: A Call for Connection, Sebene Selassie

When They Call You A Terrorist, Patrisse Khan-Cullors and Asha Bandela

Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race, Reni Eddo-Lodge

So You Want to Talk About Race, Ijeoma Oluo

How To Be Less Stupid About Race, Crystal Marie Flemming

On the Other Side of Freedom, DeRay McKesson

Eloquent Rage, Brittney Cooper

The New Jim Crow, Michelle Alexandre

I've Been Meaning to Tell You, David Chariandry

Between the World and Me, Ta Nehisis Coates

The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Country Segregated America, Richard Rothstein

We Were Eight Years in Power, Ta Nehisis Coates

The Fire Inside, James Baldwin (actually anything by him)

The Fire is Upon Us: James Baldwin, William F Buckley Jr., and the Debate over Race in America, Nicolas Buccola

The Fire This Time: A New Generation Speaks on Race, Jesmyn Ward

Black Panther comics by Ta Nehisis Coates

The Equity Myth, Frances Henry


Canada in Africa - a well-researched historical look at Canadian involvement in the transatlantic slave trade, Yves Engler

Exploring Quebec's Black and Slave Past with historian and rapper Aly Ndiaye

North of the Colour Line - the underreported history of life in Canada for the estimated 5,000 Blacks who immigrated to Canada after the end of Reconstruction in the United States, Sarah-Jane Mathieu

They Call Me George: The Untold Story of Black Train Porters and the Birth of Modern Canada, by Cecil Foster

Policing Black Lives - the underreported modern and historical realities of anti-Blackness within a Canadian context, Robyn Maynard

Viola Desmond’s Canada - the story of Viola Desmond, civil rights pioneer from Nova Scotia, by way of an overview of the Black experience in Canada, from slavery under French and British rule in the eighteenth century to the practice of racial segregation and the fight for racial equality in the twentieth century, Graham Reynolds

The Skin We’re In: documentary on anti-black racism in Canada, focusing on Desmond Cole


Do the Right Thing
Fruitvale Station
Dead Presidents
In the Heat of the Night
Get Out
To Sleep With Anger
The Hate U Give
To Kill a Mockingbird
Malcolm X
Let The Fire Burn
Just Mercy
Dear White People
If Beale Street Could Talk
I Am Not Your Negro
The Joy Luck Club
The Big Sick
Beatriz at Dinner
12 Years A Slave
Real Women Have Curves
Remember the Titans
When They See Us
The Namesake
American History X

People to follow on social media:

Lama Rod Owens
Rev Angel Kyodo Williams
Zenju Earthlyn Manuel
Robyn Maynard
Reni Eddo-Lodge
Michelle Alexandre
Roxane Gay
Thomas King
Emmanuel Acho
Innocence Project
JoAnna Hardy
Ruth King
Dear Nexus
Van Jones
Patrisse Cullors-Brignac
Know Your Rights Camp
Austin Channing Brown
Tamika Mallory
Brittany Packnett Cunningham
Color of Change
Ibram X Kendi
Check Your Privilege
Decolonizing the Music Room
Woke or Whateva Podcast
Buddhist Peace Fellowship
Saffiyah Khan
Layla F Saad
Jagmeet Singh
Jana Augustin
Jeremy Dutcher
Logan Browning
Dear White People
Trevor Noah
Ta Nehesi Coates
Ijeoma Oluo
Sebene Selassie
East Bay Meditation Centre
Deeyah Khan
Shanice Nicole Speaks
Venerable Pannavati
Mumia Abu Jamal


How to be an Ally to Non-binary, Gender Non-conforming People 

9 Things People Get Wrong about being Non-binary 

11 Ways to be a Great Trans Ally 

The 519 LGBTQ2S Resources 

What does gender non-conforming mean? 

Other resources

Becoming an Ally: Breaking the Cycle of Oppression in People 

What's the Difference Between Diversity, Equity and Inclusion? 

French resources

Une Colère Noire, Ta Nahesi Coates
L’Étranger (Albert Camus) and Merseault Contre Enquête (Kamel Daoud), I often use it to show perspective (white vs Arab experience of same event)
Qu’Allah Bénisse la France, Abd Al Malik
Islamo-Psychose, Thomas Guenolé
Peau Noire, Masques Blancs, Frantz Fanon
Les Damnés de la Terre, Frantz Fanon

L’œil du maître, Dalie Giroux
L’Indien malcommode (traduction de The Inconvenient Indian), Thomas King
NoirEs sous surveillance – Esclavage, répression, violence d’État au Canada (traduction de Policing Black Lives : State Violence in Canada from Slavery to the Present), Robyn Maynard
Pour mes fils, mon silence est impossible

Portrait du colonisé, Portrait du colonisateur, Albert Memmi
La statue de sel, Albert Memmi
Le jeune noir à l'épée, Abd Al Malik
Contre le colonialisme dopé aux stéroïdes, Zebedee Nungak
11 brefs essais contre le racisme: pour une lutte systémique, Auteur.e.s varié.e.s
Discours sur le Colonialisme, Aimé Césaire

Les Empoisonneurs: Antisémitisme, Islamophobie, Xénophobie, Sébastien Fontelle
Bande de Colons: Une Mauvaise Conscience de Classe, Alain Deneault
Une Arme Blanche: La mort de George Floyd et les usages de l'histoire dans le discours néoconservateur, Jean-Pierre Le Glaunec
Mélancolie Identitaires: Une année à lire Mathieu Bock-Côté, Mark Fortier
Critique de la Raison N**re, Achille Mbembe
Kuei, Je Te Salue: conversation sur le racisme, Deni Ellis Béchard et Natasha Kanapé Fontaine
La Pensée Blanche, Lilian Thuram
Je Suis une Maudite Sauvagesse, An Antane Kapesh

Briser le code 

Retour sur l'émeute étudiante la plus importante de l'histoire du Canada

Histoire du premier quartier multiracial de Montréal


Les Misérables - version Ladj Ly
Qu'Allah Bénisse la France
La Haine
La Vie Scolaire

Follow on social media:

Dany Laferrière
Émilie Nicolas
Abd Al Malik
Decolonisons Nous
Racines Montreal
Assa Traore
Camelia Jordana
Ladj Ly
Mais non c'est pas raciste
Je ne suis pas raciste mais...
Briser le code
Aissa Maiga
La vérité pour Adama
Rokhaya Diallo
Fabrice Vil
Kerry James
Neo Quebec