A Heart That Resonates


Pascal Auclair &
Tara Mulay

May 8-14, 2023

Loyola House
Guelph, ON

$915 / $980 / $1050
Deposit: $460
We will explore together how mindful awareness can allow the fullness of our human experience to be felt with balance. We will sit together guided by the teachers, practice walking meditation in silence, and we will consider the Buddha’s teaching and make it relevant for us today. Our minds and hearts will be cultivated to become responsive, opening to all this life has to offer, healing the sharp edges and cultivating the truth and joy we can offer others and ourselves.


Pascal Auclair, Meditation Teacher


Pascal Auclair has been immersed in Buddhist practice and study since 1997, sitting retreats in Asia and America with revered monastics and lay teachers. He has been mentored by Joseph Goldstein and Jack Kornfield at the Insight Meditation Society (IMS) in Massachusetts and Spirit Rock Meditation Center in California, where he is now enjoying teaching retreats. Pascal teaches in North America and Europe. His depth of insight, classical training, and creative expression all combine in a wise and compassionate presence. In addition, his warmth and humour make Pascal a much appreciated teacher.

 Tara Mulay, Meditation Teacher


Tara Mulay teaches and mentors Insight Meditation practitioners to refine their mindfulness practice, both on the meditation cushion and in daily life. Her practice and teachings stem from the lineage of Mahasi Sayadaw, and she has gratefully drawn influence from many other teachers within and outside of the Mahasi lineage, including Howard Cohn, Kamala Masters, Gil Fronsdal, Joseph Goldstein, Sayadaw U Tejaniya, and Ayya Anandabodhi. Tara practiced criminal defense law in California for over 20 years. In 2016 she co-founded the San Francisco Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Insight Sangha. In the spring of 2019, she relocated to Western Massachusetts and served as the Interim Guiding Teacher of Insight Meditation Community of Western Massachusetts from 2020-2021. For more information visit taramulay.com.




loyola house


LOCATION: Loyola House, 5420 Highway 6 North, Guelph, Ontario (http://www.loyolahouse.ca/)

All of the rooms at Loyola House are single rooms with a sink. Washrooms are shared.


ARRIVAL TIME: 4-5:30 pm, Monday, May 8. The retreat will conclude by lunch on Sunday, May 14. Everyone is welcome to stay for lunch. The teachers request that you plan to attend the entire retreat – please arrive on time and stay through the closing talk.


COST: TNI is dedicated to offering affordable rates to all. TNI retreat fees are on a sliding scale basis that allows participants to pay according to individual means. Fees do not include compensation for the teachings, and teachers rely on the generosity of retreatants for a sustainable income. There is an opportunity to offer dana (donations) to the teachers at the end of each retreat. The deposit is included in all of our fees.


Sliding Scale:
$915 - $980 - $1050



COVID-19 Safety Measures: Please click here for more information.

Cancellation due to COVID: If TNI cancels this retreat due to COVID, we will offer a full refund to all participants.