Abiding Mindfully in the Body: Meditation and Yoga Retreat


Daryl Lynn Ross & David Schouela

December 3 - 7, 2025

Villa St-Martin
Pierrefonds, QC


The Buddha said, "There is one thing that, when cultivated and regularly practiced, leads to deep spiritual intention, to peace, to mindfulness and clear comprehension, to vision and knowledge, to a happy life here and now, and to the culmination of wisdom and awakening. And what is that one thing? It is mindfulness centered on the body." The first mindfulness practices that the Buddha taught were attending to the body— coming to our senses. Mindfulness of the body is an invitation to open to the awareness which is already present in the body. The retreat practices and teachings will support continuity of mindfulness in the body throughout all activities. A wholesome sense of being calm, grounded, embodied and present will be nourished. The practices of loving-kindness and compassion will also be woven through the days.

Yoga practice will be an integral part of this silent meditation retreat as a form of meditation in motion - there will be two or three sessions of yoga each day.



Daryl Lynn Ross


Daryl Lynn Ross lives and transmits the Buddhist teachings from the heart with a sensitivity to the unique path of each person. She has been teaching meditation for over 30 years and is grateful to have teachers and mentors from several Buddhist and other traditions, including mystical Christian. For 22 years as a University Chaplain at Concordia University in Montreal she offered meditation practices and spiritual leadership. Co-founder and guiding teacher for TNI since 2003, Daryl teaches local groups and intensive courses, mentors and counsels in personal meetings and enjoys offering a wide range of retreats. She is known for her clear, gentle, compassionate approach which is both accessible and profound.



David Schouela


David Schouela has been practicing meditation and yoga since 1996 and has been teaching yoga since 2001. David brings to his teaching the integration of Buddhist mindfulness and insight meditation with classical yoga practice.



Registration Information


Villa St-Martin, Pierrefonds, QC



LOCATION: 21269 Boul Gouin O, Pierrefonds, QC H9K 1C1, Canada.

Villa Saint-Martin is an Ignatian Spirituality Centre that welcomes retreats accomodating the needs of a wide audience, including Dharma organizations. Please note there are Christian symbols on the site.

All of the rooms at Villa St-Martin are single rooms with a sink. Washrooms are shared. 


ARRIVAL TIME: 3:30-5 pm, Wednesday, December 3. The retreat will conclude by lunch on Sunday, December 7. Everyone is welcome to stay for lunch. The teacher requests that you plan to attend the entire retreat – please arrive on time and stay through the closing talk.


COST: TNI is dedicated to offering affordable rates to all. TNI retreat fees are on a sliding scale basis that allows participants to pay according to individual means. Fees do not include compensation for the teachings, and teachers rely on the generosity of retreatants for a sustainable income. There is an opportunity to offer dana (donations) to the teachers at the end of each retreat. 

A deposit of 50% of the base rate is required to register to the retreat. The deposit is included in all of our fees. 


Sliding Scale:
  • Benefactor: $1 600
  • Sustaining: $1 040
  • Base: $840
  • Reduced: $720
  • Scholarship: upon request (limited number of scholarships are granted)

◆ Deposit : $420


The Benefactor rate provides the opportunity to offer more substantial support for TNI.

The Sustaining rate represents the actual cost to TNI to operate our programs. If you can afford this level or higher, you assist our efforts to offer lower sliding-scale rates and ongoing financial subsidies.

The Base rate covers 82 % of what is needed to run our organization. To balance our budget and to wisely steward our resources, donations must supplement our registration income.

Payment at the Reduced rate covers only 71 % of what is needed to run our organization. To balance our budget and to wisely steward our resources, donations must supplement our registration income.

TNI offers scholarships of up to a 50% reduction of the base rate on our sliding scale to those who request it. Limited number of scholarships are granted.



COVID-19 Safety Measures: Please click here for more information.