Mettā/Lovingkindness Retreat
Kate Johnson
August 13-17, 2023
Sainte-Lucie-des-Laurentides, QC
$610 / $670 / $730
Deposit: $305
Mettā is the quality of love that blossoms when we turn our attention toward what is inherently lovely, worthy and good – within us and all around us. In these times of anxiety, loneliness and heartbreak, metta can help fortify our hearts and minds with a love that is more powerful than fear. By centering what we care about, we find the energy to keep moving steadily toward individual and collective liberation.
In this Lovingkindness retreat, we will explore Metta practice as a way of cultivating a warm and courageous heart, as well as a practice of purifying everything that gets in the way of love. We will also work with Metta as a doorway to samadhi – the state of union, stillness and wholeness that leads to clear seeing, insight and the Jhanas.

Kate Johnson is a meditation teacher, facilitator, writer and mother. She has practiced Buddhist meditation in the Insight lineage since her early 20’s, and was authorized as an independent dharma teacher through Spirit Rock Meditation Center’s four-year retreat teacher training. Kate began facilitating organizational training and retreats after co-founding the Meditation Working Group at Occupy Wall Street. She later joined the faculty of MIT’s Presencing Institute, and went on to work at Buddhist Peace Fellowship, where she designed online programs integrating spiritual and political education and practice. She is the author of the book Radical Friendship: Seven Ways to Love Yourself and Find Your People in an Unjust World.
As a consultant, Kate works with leaders and organizations committed to equity, sustainability, and wise relationships, using awareness-based and embodied practices to support communication, strategy, and culture. As a meditation teacher, she offers courses and retreats integrating relational spirituality, social justice, somatics and creativity. Kate also coaches a handful of dedicated meditation practitioners in private study to deepen their formal and daily life practices of liberation. In her off hours, she can be found exploring Philly with her kid, sipping tea with friends, and looking for all manner of good trouble.
Registration Information
LOCATION: Kio-o, 1905 Chemin 6e Rang, Sainte-Lucie-des-Laurentides, QC J0T 2J0.
Most of the rooms are double rooms, with shared washrooms. Single rooms are filled on a first come, first served basis.
ARRIVAL TIME: 3:30-5:30 pm, Sunday, August 13. The retreat will conclude by lunch on Thursday, August 17. Everyone is welcome to stay for lunch. The teacher requests that you plan to attend the entire retreat – please arrive on time and stay through the closing talk.
COST: TNI is dedicated to offering affordable rates to all. TNI retreat fees are on a sliding scale basis that allows participants to pay according to individual means. Fees do not include compensation for the teachings, and teachers rely on the generosity of retreatants for a sustainable income. There is an opportunity to offer dana (donations) to the teachers at the end of each retreat. The deposit is included in all of our fees.
COVID-19 Safety Measures: Please click here for more information.
Cancellation due to COVID: If TNI cancels this retreat due to COVID, we will offer a full refund to all participants.